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Green Forest



Staying Dry and Cold

In order to get the best mount possible, the specimen needs to be preserved ASAP. During the rotting process, specimen shed their fur and feathers, leaving behind bald spots. To avoid this, immediately wrap the whole specimen, or cape if applicable, in a trash bag and store in a freezer until it can be dropped off to us. Contact us as soon as you're able to set up when your specimen can be dropped off.

Do I need to skin/how do I cape a hide?

The simple answer is: it depends! 

For smaller animals that are intended to be "lifesize" mounts, where the entire animal is preserved, no skinning is required on your behalf. You may bring these specimen in frozen whole. 

For shoulder mounts, especially of larger animals, it's best if you or your processor cape out the hide prior to bringing it to us. It's preferred if we skin the face, so you may leave the head intact! It is important that you don't cut the hide too short. Start skinning no less than 6in behind the shoulder to give yourself the most options when it comes to mounts.
If you have further questions on what you should do, feel free to give us a call.

What should I bring to my drop off?

Bring your critter! All animals and capes will be inspected by the taxidermist to check for "slippage," which is when the animal has begun to lose its fur/feathers. If we are able to, the animal will be measured before being tanned. This ensures the best fit for a mount. We do accept after-hours drop offs! Just give us a heads up and we can set a date and time. We require all customers to bring proof of a valid hunting license.
Any tags or seals required for the harvesting of your trophy should be brought and kept with the animal until it returns back to you at pick-up.

Make sure to bring reference photos and examples if you have a specific pose in mind. Don't worry if you're unsure of what you want! We are more than happy to help you find your dream trophy.
Lastly, but most importantly, make sure you're able to pay. We require a 50% deposit on all mounts at drop off. You may call or e-mail ahead of time if you need a quote before dropping off your specimen.

Do you do pets?

Harvest Moon Taxidermy is not currently accepting cats or dogs at the moment. We do accept work on birds, domestic or non-native. Prices will be similar to our wild bird prices. A copy of any paperwork required to own said bird is needed at drop off. Call for a quote.

My question isn't on here!

Feel free to give us a call (817-733-7615) or e-mail ( with any questions.

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